Six Volume Set
Edited by:
- Trevor A Harley - University of Dundee, UK
November 2010 | 2 528 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The psychology of language, or psycholinguistics is a vast, fascinating and rapidly growing field. This six-volume collection provides a modern, self-contained and accessible overview of the subject, presenting both sides of the major debates. The papers will enable the reader to gather a balanced view of modern psycholinguistics, identify the key issues and references, and be familiar with all modern investigative techniques.
Psycholinguistics is organized into the following parts:
Part One: Production
Part Two: Recognition and Comprehension
Part Three: Learning to Read
Part Four: Representation
Part Five: Development
Containing the most seminal, cutting-edge and field-defining papers in the field, this major work should prove an invaluable addition to any library with a collection in psychological science, and whose faculty and students wish to learn more about this historically significant discipline.
Part One: Production
Deborah Burke and Meredith Shafto
Alfonso Caramazza
Gary Dell et al
Kathleen Eberhard, J. Cooper Cutting and Kathryn Bock
Peter Indefrey and Willem Levelt
Lori James and Deborah Burke
Willem Levelt, Ardi Roelofs and Antje Meyer
Martin Pickering and Victor Ferreira
Gabriella Vigliocco, Tiziana Antonini and Merrill Garrett
Gabriella Vigliocco and Robert Hartsuiker
Part Two: Recognition and Comprehension
Patrick Bonin et al
Kiel Christianson et al
Max Coltheart et al
Fernanda Ferreira, Karl Bailey and Vittoria Ferraro
Angela Friederici
M. Gareth Gaskell and William Marslen-Wilson
Michael Harm and Mark Seidenberg
Sven Mattys, Laurence White and James Melhorn
Peter McLeod, Tim Shallice and David Plaut
Wayne Murray and Ken Forster
Dennis Norris and James McQueen
Martin Pickering and Simon Garrod
David Plaut et al
Erik Reichle, Keith Rayner and Alexander Pollatsek
Arthur Samuel
Michael Spivey et al
Part Three: Learning to Read
Michael Harm and Mark Seidenberg
Roderick Nicolson, Angela Fawcett and Paul Dean
Johannes Ziegler and Usha Goswami
Part Four: Representation
Alfons Caramazza and Jennifer Shelton
George Cree, Chris McNorgan and Ken McRae
Franco Fabbro
Arthur Glenberg and David Robertson
Yosef Grodzinsky
Peter Hagoort
Thomas Landauer and Susan Dumais
Maryellen MacDonald and Morten Christiansen
James McClelland and Karalyn Patterson
Martin Pickering and Simon Garrod
Cathy Price and Joseph Devlin
Timothy Rogers et al
Deb Roy
Mark Seidenberg and Jeffrey Elman
Rolf Zwaan and Carol Madden
Part Five: Development
Paul Bloom
Nick Chater and Christopher Manning
Jane Gillette et al
Myrna Gopnik
Marc Joanisse and Mark Seidenberg
Toben Mintz
Steven Pinker and Michael Ullman
Douglas Rohde and David Plaut
Jenny Saffran, Richard Aslin and Elissa Newport
Michael Tomasello
Other Topics: Animals, Evolution, and Language and Thought
Lera Boroditsky
Brian Butterworth et al
Michael Corballis
W. Tecumseh Fitch and Marc Hauser
Marc Hauser, Noam Chomsky and W. Tecumseh Fitch