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Public Sector Corruption

Public Sector Corruption

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

October 2010 | 1 632 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Corruption always grabs the headlines and the processes of political contention that created the modern state have done much to shape our notions of corruption and good government; yet very old ideas show surprising vitality as we examine the ways citizens understand and react to corruption issues. Corruption issues appeared as a major international policy concern around 1990, after a generation during which they received relatively little emphasis, and since that time the research literature has had unprecedented growth in quantity and quality.

This major reference collection collates the best of the research for scholars, policymakers, students, reformers, journalists, and interested citizens, showing us where we have been and where we need to go as the work continues. Further, the collection develops a much-needed comprehensive record of what we have learned from political scientists, economists, and historical and cultural analysts; while all borrow selectively and creatively from each other, they are still engaged in largely separate conversations. Finally, this collection focuses on the whole issue of reform. The past generation's research has both led to new ideas about how to attack corruption, measure its seriousness, and assess the effects of corruption control efforts. The collection is a particularly important toolkit to bring the best of our knowledge to bear upon efforts at control-in effect, to integrate theory and practice-for as in many other policy areas it is entirely possible to do the wrong things for the right reasons.


Michael Johnston
Corruption: The Emergence of an Idea

J. Peter Euben
The Corruption of a State

J. Patrick Dobel
What Does Corruption Mean in a Democracy?

Mark E. Warren
The Appearance of Official Impropriety and the Concept of Political Crime

Andrew Stark
The Definitions Debate
Typology of Definitions of Corruption

Arnold J. Heidenheimer and Michael Johnston
Defining Political Corruption

Mark Philp
Ethics in Congress: From individual to institutional corruption

Dennis F. Thompson
Diverse Legal and Moral Traditions
A Moral Economy of Corruption in Africa?

J. P. Olivier de Sardan
Corruption or Social Capital? Tact and the Performance of Guanxi in Market Socialist China

Alan Smart and Carolyn L. Hsu
I Don't Bribe, I Just Pull Strings, Perspectives on European Politics and Society

Luís De Sousa
Corruption as 'Boundary Politics': The state, democratisation, and mozambique's unstable liberalisation

Graham Harrison
Cultures of Corruption: Evidence from diplomatic parking tickets

Ray Fisman and Edward Miguel
Mapping the Concept in Practice: Variations in Kind
Black-Gray-White Typology, Political Corruption: Concepts and contexts

Arnold J. Heidenheimer
Looters, Rent-Scrapers, and Dividend-Collectors: Corruption and growth in Zaire, South Korea and the Philippines

Andrew Wedeman
Patterns of Corruption and Development in East Asia

Jon Moran
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, power, and democracy

Michael Johnston
Varieties of Corrupt Practices
Oligarchs and Cronies in the Philippine State: The Politics of patrimonial plunder

Paul D Hutchcroft
Dangerous Collusion: Corruption as a collective venture in contemporary China

Ting Gong
Competitive Corruption: Factional conflict and political malfeasance in postwar Italian Christian democracy

Miriam A Golden and Eric C.C. Chang
Middlemen in Third-World Corruption: Implications of an Indian Case

Philip Oldenburg
Cultural and Historical Variations
Political Corruption: Historical conflict and the rise of standards

Michael Johnston
Protection against a Capricious State: French investment and Spanish railroads, 1845-1875

Philip Keefer
Yakuza: Japan's criminal underworld

David E Kapla and Alec Dubro
Hidden in an Envelope: Gratitude payments to medical doctors in Hungary

Janos Kornai
Comparing Societies
Reform, State, and Corruption: Is corruption less destructive in China than in Russia?

Yan Sun
Corruption in a Paternalistic Democracy: Lessons from Italy for Latin America

Silvia Colazingari and Susan Rose-Ackerman
Does Democracy Check Corruption? Insights from China and India

Yan Sun and Michael Johnston
Shaping Corrupt Dealings
Controlling Corruption

Robert Klitgaard
Why Are Some Officials More Corrupt than Others?

Jennifer Hunt
The Market for Public Office: Why India's state is not better at development

Robert Wade
The Best System Money Can Buy

Carolyn M. Warner
Political Parties as Public Utilities

Ingrid Van Biezen
Causes of Corruption
The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society

Anne O. Krueger
The Economics of Corruption

Susan Rose-Ackerman

Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny
The Causes of Corruption: A cross-national study

Daniel Treisman
Does Mother Nature Corrupt? Natural Resources, Corruption, and Economic Growth

Carlos Leite and Jens Weidmann
Politics: Effects on Corruption
Political Institutions and Corruption: The role of unitarism and parliamentarism

John Gerring, and Strom C. Thacker
Democratic Institutions and Corruption: Incentives and constraints in politics

Jana Kunicova
Ballot Structure, Political Corruption, and the Performance of Proportional Representation

Daniel W Gingerich
Corruption: Effects on Politics
Social Capital, Beliefs in Government, and Political Corruption

Donatella della Porta
The Impact of Corruption on Regime Legitimacy: A comparative study of four Latin American countries

Mitchell A Seligson
Effects on Society
India's Middlemen: Connecting by corrupting?

Jyoti Khanna and Michael Johnston
Political Corruption and Social Trust: An experimental approach

Bo Rothstein and Daniel Eek
Corruption, Inequality, and Trust

Eric Uslaner
A Comparative Study of Inequality and Corruption

Jong-sung You and Sanjeev Khagram
Responses to Corruption
Combating Corruption in the Asia-Pacific Countries: What do we know and what needs to be done?

J.S.T. Quah
Corruption by Design: Building clean government in mainland China and Hong Kong

Melanie Manion
Citizen, Co-Production and Corruption Control

Peter N Grabosky
Corruption and Bilateral Aid: A dyadic approach

Carl Jan Willem Schudel
Measuring Corruption, Tracking Reforms
Measuring the Immeasurable: Boundaries and functions of (macro) corruption indices

Fredrik Galtung
Proposal for a New Measure of Corruption, Illustrated with Italian Data

Miriam A Golden and Lucio Picci
Corruption Perceptions vs. Corruption Reality

Benjamin A Olken
Win, Lose, or Draw? China's War on Corruption

Andrew Wedeman
Anti-Corruption Campaigns and Agencies
Anti-Corruption Agencies: Rhetoric versus Reality

Patrick Meagher
The Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Programs: Preliminary Evidence from the Post-Communist Transition Countries

Alan Rousso and Franklin Steves
Anti-Corruption: Movement? Business? Fetish?
The Pursuit of Absolute Integrity

Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs
Integrity Warriors: Global morality and the anti-corruption movement in the Balkans

Steven Sampson
The Hollowness of Anti-corruption Discourse

Mlada Bukovansky

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ISBN: 9781849206044