Qualitative Diary Methods
- Laura Radcliffe - University of Liverpool, UK
- Leighann Spencer - University of Liverpool, UK
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative diary methods (QDMs) are a versatile range of multi-modal data collection methods that involve participants recording events and experiences, and emotions and reflections, as they happen, on multiple occasions and over a particular time period. These data collection methods include a pen and paper diary, as well as other electronic modes of diary keeping, including text but also audio, photo-, video-, and app-based diaries that allow for a range of modalities. This book covers the diversity of QDM options available to researchers, providing a clear rationale as to when and why different qualitative diary methods could be used. The authors consider research design, and ethical considerations for each of the distinct QDM approaches and provide end-of-chapter checklists and activities to help readers apply the methods to their own research.
This book is an essential resource, offering innovative and practical approaches for analyzing the infrequently discussed methodology of qualitative diary analysis. A must-read for any qualitative researcher.
This is an exceptional overview of an often overlooked and misunderstood methodological approach. Radcliffe and Spencer are able to seamlessly integrate a solid theoretical and methodological foundation with an applied "real world" approach ensuring readers are able to both understand and practice qualitative diary methods in a constructive and innovative manner that should advance the practice across the social sciences and beyond.
This text offers an important addition to qualitative research methodologies for consideration in the context of today's expanding sources of data.