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Review of General Psychology

Review of General Psychology

Other Titles in:
Psychology (General)

eISSN: 19391552 | ISSN: 10892680 | Current volume: 28 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
The Review of General Psychology is the official publication of the Society for General Psychology, Division 1 of the American Psychological Association. The Review of General Psychology publishes theoretical, conceptual, and methodological articles that have a range of foci, including human subjectivity, historical, theoretical, or critical studies of psychology, and global, international, or indigenous perspectives on general psychology. Articles may draw on the psychological sciences and/or the psychological humanities and may contribute to dialogues with cognate fields in the social or human sciences, including science and technology studies.

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Review of General Psychology (RGP) is the flagship journal of the Society for General Psychology and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, which is Division 1 of the American Psychological Association (APA). Consistent with the mission and vision of the Division, RGP aims to publish innovative and integrative scholarship across fields of scholarship within psychological science and, as well, connecting psychology to other scientific disciplines (e.g., the biological and medical sciences, sociology, anthropology, economics, education, social work, health and social policy, the physical and ecological sciences, and computer science, and engineering) or other scholarly fields (e.g., philosophy, theology, humanities, and the arts). RGP publishes theoretical, conceptual, and methodological articles as well as literature reviews (including meta-analyses). Thematic special issues of the journal are also considered for publication insofar as they are consistent with the aims and scope of the journal.

The work published in RGP is intended to advance understanding of the holistic and dynamic coactions of human life, relations involving physiological/morphology functioning, human cognition, affect, behavior, social relationships, and interrelations with the sociocultural and physical ecology of behavior and development across life. In addition, submissions that advance understanding of the field of psychology itself and, especially, as a hub discipline within the ecology of all sciences are also published.

To these ends, the journal will consider scholarship illuminating the historical, biological, social, and cultural bases of psychological and relational functioning, especially as it occurs among the diversity of the world’s people, including minoritized and marginalized individuals, and as it is instantiated in majority world countries, as well as in Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) nations. Accordingly, RGP will publish global, international, or indigenous scholarship that may support or challenge a generalized conception of the field of psychology, that furthers understanding of the structure, function, or development of psychological functioning that does not fit neatly within one subdiscipline of psychology, and/or that puts psychology into connection and dialogue with other disciplines.

The scope of the journal does not include papers that are devoted primarily to reporting new empirical findings or papers that are reviews, meta-analyses, or conceptual statements that are narrow in substantive or theoretical focus. Authors are advised to check the “Information for Authors” page where they can find a check list for what fits or does not fit the journal. If authors remain unsure about whether their manuscript fits within the aims and scope of the journal, they are invited to contact the Editor or an Associate Editor for advice.

Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Richard M. Lerner Tufts University, USA
Associate Editors
Sonia Carrillo Ávila Universidad de los Andes, Columbia
Andrea Ettekal Texas A&M University, USA
Wolfgang Wiedermann University of Missouri, USA
Nora Wiium University of Bergen, Norway
Pei-Jung (Annie) Yang National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Editorial Board
Roya Abbasi-Asl Tufts University, USA
Prerna Banati World Health Organization, Switzerland
Jennifer Becnel University of Arkansas, USA
Mary H. Buckingham Tufts University, USA
Jet Uy Buenconsejo The Education University of Hong Kong, China
Jeremy T. Burman University of Groningen, Netherlands
Wei-Lin Chen National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Sarah L. Friedman The George Washington University, USA
Ayfer Dost Gözkan Özyegin University, Turkey
Humera Iqbal University College London, UK
Don (Four Arrows) Jacobs, USA
Russell Sarwar Kabir Hiroshima University, Japan
László Kovács University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, Germany
Trang Le William James College, USA
Xuan Li University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Meredith McGinley University of Wisconsin–Parkside, USA
Dexin Shi University of South Carolina, USA
Shohei Shimizu Shiga University, Japan
Kendra Thomas Hope College, USA
Christopher Thompson Texas A&M University, USA
Fitim Uka University of Prishtina, Kosovo
Alexander von Eye Michigan State University, USA
Dara M. Wald Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Dian Yu Oklahoma State University, USA
  • Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • EBSCO: CINAHL Complete
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHPLUS)
  • OCLC
  • PsycINFO
  • RILM: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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