Skills in Solution Focused Brief Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Paul Hanton - Independent practitioner, consultant and trainer
As part of the bestselling SAGE Skills in Counselling & Psychotherapy series, this book is one of the first to focus specifically on SFBT skills and practice. Aimed at those new to the approach and as a refresher to those that have started using SFBT, it covers the key techniques and interventions. Structured step-by-step along the lines of an actual therapy session, the book can be dipped into or read cover-to-cover. It covers:
- Assumptions, expectations and ways of working
- The role of the Solution Focused Brief Therapist
- The Miracle Question, scaling, tasks
- Ending sessions and closures.
Supported by; case studies, therapeutic dialogue, hints and tips, exercises and points for reflection, the book is an ideal companion for any counselling, health or social care trainee who plans to practice Solution Focused Brief Therapy in today's time-constrained settings. It will also be a valuable guide for those qualified in the caring professions and wishing to refresh the way that they work.
This will prove a useful text for those studying mental health nursing pre-registration. It is clear and informative and guides the reader in the use of this approach in practice.