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Social Work Practice with Adults

Social Work Practice with Adults
Learning from Lived Experience

First Edition

April 2023 | 248 pages | Learning Matters
This book will provide you with the initial developing knowledge and skills needed to practice ethically and effectively in diverse settings with a range of adults. Written in collaboration with service users, carers and practitioners, its unique collaborative approach will enable you to learn from real lived experience. 

Since launching in 2003, Transforming Social Work Practice has become the market-leading series for social work students. These books use activities and case studies to build critical thinking and reflection skills and will help social work students to develop good practice through learning. 

These books are:
· Affordable                                               
· Written to the Professional Capabilities Framework
· Mapped to the social work curriculum           
· Practical with clear links between theory and practice
Chapter 1 Key themes in social work practice with adults
Chapter 2 Assessment in social work practice with adults
Chapter 3: Trauma informed practice in social work with adults
Chapter 4: Decision making in social work practice with adults
Chapter 5: Working with mental health issues
Chapter 6: Working with the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Chapter 7: Working with substance use
Chapter 8: Working with marginalized adults
Chapter 9: Working with domestic abuse and supporting adults with care and support needs
Chapter 10: Working with children (under the age of 18 years) who are abusive towards their parents
Chapter 11: Working with disabled adults
Chapter 12. Working with adults with learning disabilities
Chapter 13: Working with older adults
Chapter 14: Working with adults with dementia
Chapter 15: Working with adults at the end of life
Chapter 16: Working with unpaid carers

This book gives some really thought-provoking views from people with lived experience, and suggests some excellent exercises or thought experiments for students to complete.

For future editions, the authors might think about the inclusion of work with deaf-blind individuals (given that this is specifically mandated in the Care Act 2014), and also give a little more balance between personal perspectives and legislation - the chapter on the Mental Capacity Act seemed out of place as compared to material on mental health. I also felt that it was not immediately clear to the reader that a person cannot 'lack capacity' in the round, but that it is indeed decision and time specific.

Mrs Carrie Phillips
Social Work Department, Sunderland University
June 14, 2024

The book offers an innovative approach to exploring social work practice with adults, by amplifying the voice of lived experience throughout. Inclusion of a chapter on decision-making as a key theme in adult social work was very welcome, as a was a chapter on disabled adults, often overlooked. Nevertheless, a weakness of the text is its neglect of sensory impairment mentioned only once in the entire text. This is a group often marginalised in social work literature.

Dr Peter Simcock
School of Social Work, Birmingham City University
September 21, 2023

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781529781250
ISBN: 9781529781267