The Legacy of Longevity
Health and Health Care in Later Life
Edited by:
Other Titles in:
Aging and Gerontology (Behavioral Science) (General)
Aging and Gerontology (Behavioral Science) (General)
November 1990 | 344 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
With increasing numbers of elderly people in our society, the importance of issues of health, illness, disability and health services for the elderly looms ever larger. The research literature has correspondingly expanded to examine these issues. In this volume, leading researchers in social gerontology present the current state of knowledge about health and ageing. Topics covered range from conceptual and measurement issues, to social factors in health and illness, to use of services, financing of health care, caregiving and medical consumerism amongst the elderly.
Judith A Levy
Sidney M Stahl
Sidney M Stahl and Jacquelyn Rupp Feller
Old Equals Sick
Jersey Liang and Nancy A Whitelaw
Assessing the Physical and Mental Health of the Elderly
Lois M Verbrugge
The Iceberg of Disability
Charles F Longino Jr
The Relative Contributions of Gender, Social Class and Advancing Age to Health
Jeffrey Michael Clair
Old Age Health Problems and Long-Term Care Policy Issues
Marjorie Chary Feinson
The Distribution of Distress by Age and Gender
Kenneth G Manton and Eric Stallard
Changes in Health Functioning and Mortality
Michael A Counte and Gerald L Glandon
Health Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavior of Older Persons
Karl D Kosloski, Rhonda J V Montgomery and Edgar F Borgatta
Predicting Nursing Home Utilization
William J McAuley, Shirley S Travis and Marcia Safewright
The Relationship Between Formal and Informal Health Care Services for the Elderly
Debra David
Autonomy in Health Care for Elders
Kenneth F Ferraro and Thomas T H Wan
Health Needs and Services for Older Adults
Madonna Harrington Meyer and Jill Quadagno
The Dilemma of Poverty Based Long-Term Care
Russell A Ward
Health Care Provider Choice and Satisfaction
Mary Ann Cook, Rodney M Coe and Kristin Hanson
Physician-Elderly Patient Communication
J Jill Suitor and Karl Pillemer
Transition to the Status of Family Caregiver
Michael Glasser, Susan Rubin and Mary Dickover
The Caregiver Role