The Literature Review
Six Steps to Success
- Lawrence A. Machi - University of La Verne, USA
- Brenda T. McEvoy - Independent Writer/ Researcher
Continuing Professional Development | Decision Making Tools | Leadership & Management
Selecting a topic
Searching the literature
Developing arguments
Surveying the literature
Critiquing the literature
Writing the literature review
The second edition includes key vocabulary words, technology advice, and additional tips on when and how to write during the early stages—including the use of journals and memoranda—to make the literature review process a success.
This is a book that UG students will be able to dip into and find relevent points as and when they are looking for them around literature reviews.
Easily readable, clear information, good content organization, can guide well students in their activity.
The books will be used for group work in a University Course in winter 2015.
Intro to graduate school class.
Clear steps, good advice
This text brings understanding to the "daunting" process of the literature review. For my graduate students, who are all practicing educators and not professional researchers, this illuminates the process!
Please send my review copy so I can finalize this adoption! Where is my copy? Thank you!