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Sage Publishing is committed to disseminating high-quality research and engaged scholarship globally. As part of this commitment, we value Diversity and Inclusion in publishing. We therefore welcome submissions from a diverse range of authors from across all countries and backgrounds.
As the world’s leading independent academic publisher, we pride ourselves on playing a creative role in society by disseminating teaching and research on a global scale. Publishing your article with Sage means that you will benefit from:
Download our infographic on top reasons to publish your journal article with Sage.
All articles published in our journals are produced to the highest standards, involving rigorous peer review and high quality production and publication. With some of the best-trained staff in the industry and our investment in online production workflow systems, Sage track (our ScholarOne Manuscripts submission system), OnlineFirst (our publishing ahead of print facility) and continuous publication mode for our open access titles we strive to attain excellent author service levels throughout the process. We are constantly looking for improvements in our production systems to make the author’s experience the very best it can be. We survey all of our authors on publication of their article and are responsive to any feedback.
At Sage, your article will be published on Sage Journals. Publication on Sage Journals means that your article will benefit from the very latest in online search and discoverability technology. With unparalleled search and reference-linking capability, a multitude of user features designed to maximize the author’s and reader’s experience and high-profile journal branding to enhance visibility, your article will be in the best possible position to be widely read and cited.
We are committed to ensuring that Sage Journals remains at the cutting edge of online publishing. This is a continually evolving platform, developing through a rolling program of incremental updates, the implementation of new functionality, as well as major upgrades.
Our international sales and marketing activities are designed to maximise the global dissemination and visibility of the journals we publish. We use innovative online marketing and social media tools to promote the journals we publish and encourage usage and citations. See the section on promoting your article for more information.
Sage was one of the first major publishers to embrace the open access mode of free access with licensing allowing liberal reuse of articles. Many funding bodies and institutions now require that the work they support is made publicly available through a suitable repository. Sage's open access publishing programme and author archiving policies allow our authors to comply with the various requirements stipulated by the major funding bodies. The options we offer authors and editors are as follows:
Please visit our Open Access area for more information.
We have sought and established partnerships with a growing number of important global initiatives to ensure that students, researchers and policy makers in the poorest nations have access to Sage's latest leading peer-reviewed research in science, medicine and the social sciences.