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Women Growing Older

Women Growing Older
Psychological Perspectives

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Psychology of Women

December 1993 | 285 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
How women decide to balance work, marriage and motherhood; what happens as they age as a result of their decisions; and gender stereotypes of young, middle-aged and older women are among the topics examined in this volume. Relating research on older women to theoretical and conceptual developments in the psychology of adult development and ageing, contributions also include a life-span approach to attachment theory.

In addition, a penetrating historical analysis of cultural images of the nature of cognition, mind and creativity is presented, and gender identity continuity and change in midlife explored. The social convey and support-efficacy models are also used to describe causal mechanisms through which social relations and gender differences in social relations may develop.

Barbara F Turner
Carole K Holahan
Women's Goal Orientations Across the Life Cycle
Findings from the Terman Study of the Gifted

Ravenna Helson and Laurel McCabe
The Social Clock Project in Middle Age
Barbara F Turner and Castellano B Turner
Social Cognition and Gender Stereotypes for Women Varying in Age and Race
Gisela Labouvie-Vief
Women's Creativity and Images of Gender
Lillian E Troll
Family Connectedness of Old Women
Attachments in Later Life

Margaret Hellie Huyck
The Relevance of Psychodynamic Theories for Understanding Gender Among Older Women
Toni C Antonucci
A Life-Span View of Women's Social Relations

For instructors

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ISBN: 9780803939875