Working with Distressed Young People
Community and Youth Work
It shows how distress and disturbance is created in young people, causing their behaviour to become difficult and problematic not only to adults but also to themselves and to wider society. Using the latest evidence-based theories, the reader will learn how to detect and diagnose problems and work out strategies for helping young people in distress.
This book contains some useful information for students interested in working with distressed young people. The reflective activities provide a platfom for discussion. A good introduection for students
This is well written and is useful for those students who have a particular interest in the subject or those developing research topics in the area
Some interesting chapters to support our module on interventions with young people
lovely and accessible introduction to this area of work, specifically in relation to the concept that all our interactions with young people are important and meaningful, not just those that are defined as 'counselling'.
Although an interesting book, the content is not central to the module I teach but is useful supplementary reading for students wanting to read more widely